Prime Radio Stations
Streams are
Real Audio in
all cases: Some have Windows
as well.

ABC, Australia
Streams list:
Radio Australia
News stream

ABC, Anerica
(Links to audio)

World Service:
(Links to audio services)
UK -Radio 1:
UK -Radio 2 :
UK Radio 3:
UK--Radio 4:
UK Radio Five Live:

BBC Where I L
ive (for local stations):
Radio 1 stream:
Radio 2 Stream:
Radio 3 stream:
Radio 4 stream (FM)
Radio 4 stream (AM):
Radio 5 stream:

Links to audio streams:

Hourly newscast:

US National Public Radio

Voice of America
Audio News reports:

WORLD RADIO NETWORK((listeners area has on-demand audio reports from various broadcasters from round the world)

ZDTV Radio
Technical news -home page

Music Streams
King (US)
RTE Lyric FM (Ireland):
WQXR (links to stream):

E-Mail us


This part of our site will be for MP3 audio files to which we can gain access and which we think worthy of inclusion. Should you have worthy material whose copyright you own or which your station is willing to let us have, we would welcome it. Please E-mail us.
Items will be attributed to the source, with a link where appropriate if further items or a longer version are available on a site

February 11, 2000: UK Prime Minister's first weekly online audio broadcast